Sunday, January 31, 2016

Running A Little Late

Yesterday was pretty productive. I've been dying to visit the David Zwirner Art Gallery in Chelsea, since Dan Flavin's Corners, Barriers, and Corridors exhibit last year. I never got a chance to see it because of school and work, but looking at the photos made me want to start gallery hopping. No, I'm not really an art aficionado, so I can't say I know much about it. But when something catches your eye, you become intrigued. And lately I've been intrigued by many artists and their work. So when I came across Doug Wheeler's Encasements, I knew I had to see it before it was over.

There were no photos allowed for this exhibit, but there was no way I could pass this up. (Yes, I broke the rules.) This minimalist piece is definitely worth seeing before its gone. I'm surprised I even got to get in the gallery at all because I was cutting it pretty close with time. 

 I did have to obey the rules at some point, so these were the only photos I got.

Right across the street was another gallery, with Yutaka Sone's art work, which I found really amazing. I'm just going to show the pictures instead of talking about everything like I know what I'm talking about. (Don't judge me)

Like I mentioned, I was running a little late. So before the galleries closed, I snapped a few more photos. I plan to go back soon and maybe earlier, just to have time to actually take in the real joy of this art. Once you're there, it's really quite amazing.

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