Thursday, January 28, 2016

25 Random Facts

Hey Y'all! So today I decided to try something different. I've been pretty bummed out with trying to find an internship for school, and the application process is a little stressful. But what I've noticed with each application is that I have to write a cover letter. And cover letters are basically making yourself sound like the best candidate.
But it made me think of doing a 25 random facts about me post. Which I know might be easier and funnier on YouTube, but I ain't got time for all that right now, lol.  So just incase you've ever wondered, heres 25 facts about me!

  1. I LOVE PIZZA. I really think I can live off pizza. There was probably one time in my life where I was actually sick of it like I didn't want to order it, didn't want to think about it or anything. But clearly I must have been out of my mind or something because it's never happened again. Haha.
  2. I prefer Dunkin Donuts over Starbucks. I said it. Sue me. And it's not because of the price, but the quality. Dunkin just has a better taste. And in my opinion, practically every flavor of Starbucks coffee tastes slightly similar to all of their products. (I still drink Starbucks though guys.)
  3. I am an insane hoarder. I like to think that I have a bit of a separation issue with a lot of the stuff I own. I just can't seem to get rid of certain things because I will always find a reason to keep them. Like that receipt from 2014 of a shirt I no longer own, maybe I'll need it one day! You never know!
  4. CATS. I love cats. All kinds of cats. Tigers, leopards, kittens. I'm a cat lady. And this is my Nugget.

  5. I would much rather online shop, than shop in stores. There's something about having a brand new item, never tried on by anyone else (at least that's what's in my mind) and wrapped in plastic that makes me feel better about my purchase. I'm sure everyone has had that moment when you reach for something you like but it's dirty, or stretched out, or found it hanging off the rack somewhere in the wrong department. Maybe it's just me.
  6. Not to make this all about food, but I love bagels. I'm currently eating one now. 
  7. I actually like working. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy staying home and doing absolutely nothing. But I can only do that for so long without going insane. I like going to school as well. Being productive is a good feeling. I've had my share of boring jobs, and annoying professors, but the act of getting up with somewhere to go and work to do, is enjoyable.
  8. I'm a big fan of Mario Kart. I love all Mario games, but Mario Kart is my absolute favorite. I mean I'm not the best, but whatever.
  9. Currently, I have 3 tattoos. I do plan to get more. I can't really comment on my pain threshold because I actually like the way it feels, so I'm biased. But I will say the one I got on the back of my shoulder was pretty annoying for the first 30 minutes.
  10. I also have one ear stretched to a 2g. I had both ears done but my left ear just wasn't having it, so I kept my right ear stretched. And yes, I love it. Also, yes it kind of hurt to stretch them but it wasn't excruciating- it was bearable.
  11. DONUTS.
  12. I cut my own hair along with the help from my boyfriend. I like having short hair because it's just easier to maintain. With curly hair, it's a pain it the butt and I would lose my mind if I had long curly hair.
  13. Listening to music makes me happy. I enjoy all types but I mostly listen to hip-hop. I used to be a big fan of Eminem, which got me listening to rap music, which turned me to rnb, and now hip-hop. Especially when I'm working, or studying,  I love having something to sing along to. (or rap to).
  14. Documentaries are interesting to me. Lately I've really been into them. They're just so intriguing. 
  15. I hate cake. I only eat ice cream cake because it's not actual cake. 
  16. I have a sweet tooth for sour candies.
  17. 90% of my meal is junk food.
  18. I still order mozzarella sticks, chicken tenders and fries at restaurants when I find nothing else appetizing. 
  19. My favorite color is blue, but you'll probably always see me with something neon. 
  20. I have a lot of pet peeves that can probably be a post on its own. 
  21. I'm a very paranoid person. I like to think of all the possibilities of everything. Which also gives me a morbid mind. 
  22. I love laughing. I find it really healthy. Plus, who wouldn't want to laugh?
  23. Remember when I said I have a lot of pet peeves? One of them is wind. I really can't explain it but I just hate the wind. And I hate that I can't do anything about it.
  24. I want to dance hip-hop at some point.
  25. I love roller coasters! I like being scared and having my adrenaline pumping. I just hate the feeling after roller coasters, where my legs feel like they've gone with the wind.
So, yeah. That's some stuff about me you probably didn't care about. But now it's out there for everyone to see. Hope you found this somewhat interesting. See ya soon!

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