Saturday, January 23, 2016

Okay, This is For Real

Hello! Yes, this is my second attempt at making a blog, but this time around I'm determined. I plan on making 2016 a year of new things, and new adventures.
These photos are just some of the best memories with the best friends anyone can have. What I plan to do this year is make more tangible memories like these. I don't wanna take the fun out of having fun by having my phone out all the time, and taking photos of everything. But phones break, batteries die, and data runs out. There's something about having a physical copy of a photo that makes a memory more...memorable. And you don't have to worry about emailing copies and saving on flash drives, all the photos on your phone. 
So here's to a new year, and new memories. I'm excited to share them all with you!

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Maira Gall