Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How It All Began

Before I decided to create my personal blog, I was focusing on just a fashion lifestyle, going by the name "Fashion Peaces". It was a bit corny, I'll admit it. But I wanted something funny, unique and different. I also wanted something that described me. Fashion wasn't new to me, but the idea of making it my own was.
 I created a separate Instagram account that consisted of outfit posts, beauty favorites, and just everyday pieces that I love. But I started to give up, and slowly forgot about it once the new semester started. It was also quite annoying to have two different Instagram accounts. But even with 2 or 3 week gaps, I continued to post.

 I was excited to see my photos on different Instagram accounts like SunglassSpot , and Shop Markkit, because I thought I was doing everything right. I really thought "Fashion Peaces" would be a success!
 I tried to be constant with my outfit posts, and tried to make each one look different. Which worked for a while. I even watermarked most of my photos because I figured if anyone tried to share them, someone will know where it's original source is from.
I don't plan on deleting that Instagram account. Mostly because I'm proud of how my photos came out. Also, it's a reminder to keep going. Seeing how long I kept up with it makes me realize that I shouldn't give up on something I love. 

 It took a long time for me to finally commit to something and call it my own. Hard work in the end really does pay off. Now that I've had some experience with creating my own platform, I thought it would be the right time to officially start my blog, which led me here.

This could not have happened without the help from my boyfriend, Sean and best friends. 
I still have a long way to go, but for this to be the beginning, I'd say I'm off to a great start.

Disclaimer: All photos are taken from my personal Instagram account - @fashion_peaces. All photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Photos of me from other Instagram accounts are properly linked.

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Maira Gall